Leather Jacket Insect Treatment. The casemaking moth is darker than its webbing cousin with spots. There are several reasons that your lawn could develop patches of dead grass so if you see it, don’t automatically assume it’s leatherjackets.
Regular and thorough observation of lawns and plants is essential when wishing to control leatherjackets organically. Distress leather is always fashionable especially if it is a distressed leather jacket. Nematodes are natural and some will be in your lawn already, but applying more ensures they kill the grubs.
Leatherjackets are the larvae of the crane fly, also known as daddy long legs.
Soil should be between 10°c and 30°c during application and for at least two weeks after. Take control of all your uninvited house guests, from mice and rats to slugs and cats. Absolutely zero problems since then. Only effective when soil temperatures are consistently above 14°c.